The Soar! Podcast
"The Soar! Podcast" is one of Chiron’s many free resources for freelancers and entrepreneurs. The goal of "The Soar! Podcast" is to show aspiring entrepreneurs and wannabe freelancers what’s possible so they can never say their dreams are impossible. We get real about the obstacles — internal and external — we all face and the deeply personal ways we’ve overcome them. In listening to these episodes, you'll get real-life, actionable advice to help you make your own way in the world while tapping into a network and a community of men and women who want to support one another to creating a better world full of fulfilled individuals.
The Soar! Podcast
Episode 80 - Getting Un-Stuck with Systems & Positive Productivity
Rai Hyde Cornell
Season 3
Episode 80
"Productivity" carries a lot of negative connotations for people. But it doesn't have to mean working harder, working more, or hustling. In this episode, we talk to productivity and systems expert Dawn Robles about how self-employed creatives can be more productive and leverage their time, energy, and attention in a positive way without contributing to exhaustion or unrealistic expectations.